Monday, March 10, 2014

Change of Scenery

Have you ever been sick and just wanted to get better so you could take a drive in your car? You just wanted to get out of the house and stop looking at the same four walls.  Or walking down the same hallway to another four walls?  Imagine that same situation if you are in chronic pain or have a life long illness that keeps you inside or from going many places.  It would be hard!

This weekend we were blessed to be able to go to our daughter and son-in-law's in Raleigh! This was the first time that Dick went to see their apartment and went with me for the visit!  No, he didn't feel the greatest! He actually never left the apartment once we got back from dinner on Friday evening, but it was a wonderful change of scenery for him!  He was able to watch basketball with Tanner and spend some time with them before they move to NYC.  He is totally worn out today, but it was totally worth it.

Today we are headed to Forest City to see our newest Grandchild on ultrasound and find out the sex of the baby!  We are all really excited.  Afterwards we are having a Gender Reveal Party (apparently the newest thing).My mother doesn't drive anymore and doesn't get out very often, but I will go and pick her up and make sure she is there with bells on to find out the gender of her newest great-grandchild.  Yes, she will be worn out, but this too, will be totally worth the time and effort for her and for me!

The point is when you are not well and are inside your home the majority of the time, you need to occasionally have a change of scenery!  I know that some people are not able to get out of bed, but if you have any sort of mobility, use it til you can't!  Get up and look out the front door, walk out on the porch, go out and sit on a deck!  Do anything that changes your routine.  If you are blessed to be able, get in the car and go for a drive.  As a caregiver, try to not see this is a chore!   Look at it as a change of scenery for yourself as well.   And think of it as a blessing for you!  You get out of the house, too!   Along the way, you blessing the other person with an outing, will become a blessing to you!

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