Friday, February 28, 2014


This morning is a "me" morning.  It is a fun morning.  I always love the little things in life and one of those things is having my nails done every three weeks.  I get to have a little time for me.  I get to be pampered.   I get to chat with a friend or two for an hour and a half. 

Today, however, it is a trip of guilt that I'm on as I go to the nail salon.  A call from a customer with an emergency order and an unexpected sick trip to the doctor wit my mom, are all on my mind.  These things are giving me that awful feeling of this is unnecessary!  This is taking time when I need to be doing something more important!   My husband is disabled from a wreck 14 years ago.  He does still help me in our business when he can.  On my nail week, I make sure that I have everything done the day before.  But today, no amount of pre-planning could help with the much needed item for a customer.  My husband graciously agrees to handle it - there comes the first twinge.  I know he can handle it, but I also know he is hurting this morning.   Then as I leave for my appointment, I get the call with the doctor appointment time for my Mom.  She has heart problems and breathing problems, so when she gets sick, they see her right away to keep away hospital stays!  So there comes the next twinge….I have to be there to take her as soon as my nail appointment is over.  No time to head home, check on my hubby or customers.  But this is something I have to do!

Now, after saying all of that about guilt, let me say that it is self-induced.  My husband assures me he is ok and can handle it.  And he can handle it and will.  Things with my Mom pop up from time to time and my sisters and I handle that as well.  Somehow in my role as caregiver for my husband and Mom, I forget about myself.   So today, I keep telling myself there is no shame in taking a little bit of time for me.  I will go and enjoy the time to just sit!  I will push the guilt away!